Paul Pierce I’m a competitive player, and I love being on the court. If the NBA cancels the season I’m definitely looking at my options and considering going overseas. – Paul Pierce Cancels Quotes Competitive Quotes Court Quotes Love Quotes Nba Quotes Options Quotes Overseas Quotes Player Quotes Season Quotes Ubuntu is about a community coming together to help one another. A lot of players know I’ve been around 13 years and this is my second lockout. I got a lot of respect. I know what’s going on both for the league and the union.
Francesca Lia BlockTeacher Writing is very cathartic for me. As a teacher, I hear many students say that writing can be painful and exhausting. It can be, but ultimately I believe that if you push through, the process is healing and exhilarating. – Francesca Lia Block
Jean-Marc Vallee Filmmaking is so heavy: there are so many people and trucks and teamsters and costume people and hair people and makeup people. I try to make it light and as simple as possible. It’s great for actors. It puts the story up front. It’s not about shots and dollies and lighting and sets. – Jean-Marc Vallee
Manoj Bajpayee For me, if awards are not increasing my remuneration or adding value to the offers that I get, they have no meaning. – Manoj Bajpayee
John Keegan We may have to have a geo-political regrouping or major geo-political changes. – John Keegan
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