Paul George I’m a family man now. I don’t need no distractions; I don’t need no big cities, no big lights, at this point in my career. – Paul George Career Quotes Cities Quotes Distractions Quotes Family Quotes Lights Quotes As beautiful as Oklahoma is, it doesn’t have big lights and none of that. But that’s fine… I’m a low-maintenance, low-key, chill guy. I don’t ever feel cautious about making plays. I tell myself that injuries are more likely to occur if I try to play safe.
Jeremy Scott I’d be a pop star. Although, I was once sat front row at a Rihanna concert when she came down to the audience and sat on my lap, pointed the microphone towards my mouth, and I couldn’t sing a line. – Jeremy Scott
CoolJosh Homme I’m always looking for cool stuff to do because that’s what we’re supposed to do, ya know? – Josh Homme
Lee Zeldin A lot of the Democratic base believes that it’s the right the to do to bring as many of these refugees in as possible for – there are many members of the Democratic Party who may think that tens of thousands are not enough, and we’re not doing our part until we bring in even more. – Lee Zeldin
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