Michael Symon I’m a firm believer that all this packaged stuff that Americans are buying up in gobs is making them fatter. – Michael Symon Americans_ Quotes Believer Quotes Buying Quotes Fatter Quotes Firm Quotes Gobs Quotes Packaged Quotes Stuff Quotes I make no bones about it. I have no understanding of pastry. In Cleveland, I’m so fortunate that we’re surrounded by farms with an endless variety of beautiful vegetables. For me, I always eat very tightly with the season, even if the season is only six weeks.
Patricia Richardson I always hated perfect TV moms because I always thought that was unrealistic. – Patricia Richardson
DesignLando Norris I like to paint my own helmets. I design my own suit and boots, I like being unique in that way. – Lando Norris
Chloe Kim I can play guitar – but I can’t really. I wouldn’t say I’m talented at it. I just kind of watch videos on YouTube, and I follow the instructions… OK, yeah, my hidden talent: I’m good at following instructions! – Chloe Kim
FutureHistoryMartin McGuinness Commemorations can stimulate debate, which will ultimately lead to a greater understanding of the events of our ‘through-other’ history and to shape a better future. – Martin McGuinness
Devin McCourty We thought playing in the Super Bowl was nerve-racking until we went to the Massachusetts State House to testify for an education bill. – Devin McCourty
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