George P Bush I’m a former educator, a veteran, and I have a strong energy and asset background. – George P Bush Asset Quotes Background Quotes Educator Quotes Energy Quotes Strong Quotes Veteran Quotes I am drawn to public service. I’ve been asked whether knowing Spanish and being Hispanic myself is a positive in getting Hispanic voters, and I don’t believe it is. I think Hispanics look for a friend; they look for someone who understands, whose willing to relate, to hear their issues and welcome them to the party and to their campaigns.
Noel Fielding Gay people are all like Superman. You have to be quite strong to be gay – or to be different in any way. You build special muscles. – Noel Fielding
HomePositiveStan Wawrinka As a tennis player, you have to get used to losing every week. Unless you win the tournament, you always go home as a loser. But you have to take the positive out of a defeat and go back to work. Improve to fail better. – Stan Wawrinka
Fatema Mernissi I was amazed to realize that for many Westerners, Scheherezade was considered a lovely but simple-minded entertainer, someone who relates innocuous tales and dresses fabulously. In our part of the world, Scheherezade is perceived as a courageous heroine and is one of our rare female mythological figures. – Fatema Mernissi
J B Smoove It’s an ongoing joke that a black man is always the first one to get killed in movies. – J B Smoove
Sam Mendes Listen, you make a big movie, you’re going into the Coliseum, and people are going to give you the thumbs up or the thumbs down. And that’s part of the game. It’s part of the fun as well. – Sam Mendes
Mikis Theodorakis I’ve directed fragmentarily at the Herod Atticus, but never before a popular laiko unitals concert. – Mikis Theodorakis
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