Junior dos Santos I’m a good actor. – Junior dos Santos Actor Quotes I like to fight here in Europe. I am truth. I was made of truth.
Hugh Grant My laziness is really profound. I’m really interested in where it comes from – it almost feels chemical. And we’ve all got ADD now, short attention span and all that. – Hugh Grant
Natalia Makarova I really feel sorry for new generation. It’s hard to find backbone. I never had crisis of identity. But I think many Americans have it. – Natalia Makarova
Illinois Jacquet People like to hear songs that they can dance to. Even if they’re sitting, they like being made to want to dance and move. By me being a dancer, I know how I’d dance at certain tempos. I was always good at it. – Illinois Jacquet
EqualityGlenn Greenwald I’ve praised Obama’s record on same-sex equality as enthusiastically as anyone: it’s one area where his record has been impressive. I understand, and have expressed, the emotional importance for LGBT Americans of his marriage announcement as well as its political significance. – Glenn Greenwald
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