Matt Rosendale I’m a straight shooter: I’ll stand with the people of Montana and President Trump to support Kavanaugh’s nomination because there is no doubt that he will defend our Constitution and protect our Montana way of life. – Matt Rosendale Constitution Quotes Defend Quotes Doubt Quotes Kavanaughs Quotes Life Quotes Montana Quotes Nomination Quotes People Quotes President Quotes Protect Quotes Shooter Quotes Stand Quotes Straight Quotes Support Quotes Trump Quotes You can identify me as the freedom or the liberty candidate or the limited government candidate. Jon Tester needs to be held accountable for his extreme partisan liberal record of supporting President Obama’s judicial nominees 99% of the time but then opposing President Trump’s nominees.
Danielle Fishel We certainly weren’t the only show that managed to be funny and engaging and relatable but never talk down to the audience. There have only been a handful of those that I can think of that aren’t super-cheesy or sappy or way too kid-friendly. ‘Boy Meets World’ was special in that way. – Danielle Fishel
Morris Chestnut I think that Mos Def is the best actor, but when you talk about rappers in films, I don’t really think the quality of the acting is most important because most rappers are put in movies because of the personality and people want to see that. – Morris Chestnut
Jess Weixler In L.A., I like to surf. I went through a phase – I was surfing four days a week. I’m still not good at it; I still spend most of my time falling. – Jess Weixler
Kathleen Kennedy If all you’re doing is playing it safe – trying to make the same movie over and over again – that’s when the audiences say, ‘Oh, this is just a moneymaking machine.’ But if it’s genuinely in service to the art form, then the franchise concept is being used in a way that’s exciting. – Kathleen Kennedy
Conor McPherson I’m not a good storyteller – I much prefer to be with people who are chatty, to have the luxury of listening. – Conor McPherson
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