Katherine Heigl I’m a talker. I love a good debate. – Katherine Heigl Debate Quotes Love Quotes Talker Quotes I’m realising now that I can’t just blurt things out. I still love the theology of the Mormon religion and think it is a wonderful way to grow up.
Josiah Strong It is not necessary to argue to those for whom I write that the two great needs of mankind, that all men may be lifted up into the light of the highest Christian civilization, are, first, a pure, spiritual Christianity, and second, civil liberty. – Josiah Strong
Jim Broadbent The films I enjoy seeing are those that reveal lives I was unaware of… in different cultures or whatever. – Jim Broadbent
Roy JenkinsSociety The permissive society has been allowed to become a dirty phrase. A better phrase is the civilised society. – Roy Jenkins
James Broughton Most poets, like most people, try hard to be like someone they admire or they are possessed with an image of what they ought to be. – James Broughton
Norman O Brown The dynamics of capitalism is postponement of enjoyment to the constantly postponed future. – Norman O Brown
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