Dries van Noten I’m a very big fan of winter-flowering shrubs and bulbs. You have the smell, you have the color – it’s really like a present from God when something like that is in flower in the middle of the snow. – Dries van Noten Bulbs Quotes Color Quotes Fan Quotes Flower Quotes God Quotes Middle Quotes Shrubs Quotes Smell Quotes Snow Quotes Winterflowering Quotes When I have to do something fast, I wear the most unflattering rubber pants over my pants and a big easy sweater. I can get on my knees in the garden in whatever condition, and when I’m done, I can take it off, get in the car, and drive to the office. It’s the most practical thing. For me, it’s really like, okay, if you go far with the unexpected materials and unexpected proportions or volumes, then keep the colors quite simple and straightforward for men.
Cori Bush Too many of our immigrant communities have been forced to live in fear, uncertain about their futures. – Cori Bush
Chiranjeevi I have a clean image. I want to serve the people with humility and sincerity. Politicians have made use of peoples’ votes but do not care for them. – Chiranjeevi
Jack Monroe I can be wildly enthusiastic and want to try to do everything that I feel would be useful and educational and beneficial – but I’ve crashed and burned a few times. – Jack Monroe
MedicalThomas Frank Money has transformed every watchdog, every independent authority. Medical doctors are increasingly gulled by the lobbying of pharmaceutical salesmen. – Thomas Frank
Harry Stack Sullivan When people approach you angrily, you take them very seriously, and, if you’re like me, with the faint suggestion that you can be angry too, and that you would like to know what the shooting is about. – Harry Stack Sullivan
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