Edie Falco I’m a very ritualistic, routine-oriented person, and I discovered over the years that I love working Monday through Friday. – Edie Falco Discovered Quotes Friday Quotes Love Quotes Monday Quotes Person Quotes Ritualistic Quotes Routineoriented Quotes I’ve also learned to no longer feel guilty if I’m invited out and don’t want to go. If I start to say to myself, ‘What’s wrong with you that you’re staying in five nights in a row to watch ‘Forensic Files’ instead of going out with your friends’ I remind myself that it’s what I need to do for myself at that point. I grew up kind of a tomboy and I used to fight with all the neighborhood boys.
Carroll Quigley Bolshevism presented itself as an economic threat to themselves at the same time that Nazism presented itself as a political threat to their countries. – Carroll Quigley
Israel Houghton As a worship leader, I feel this sort of responsibility to help add to the soundtrack of people’s day. – Israel Houghton
Lakeith Stanfield I’ve been fortunate to get involved with ‘Short Term 12.’ I was just a young teenager on the Internet, clicking on anything that had the word ‘actor’ in it. One day, someone called me in for a movie audition. – Lakeith Stanfield
FailureSlavoj Zizek I – and I still consider myself, I’m sorry to tell you, a Marxist and a Communist, but I couldn’t help noticing how all the best Marxist analyses are always analyses of a failure. – Slavoj Zizek
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