Hugh Hefner I’m actually a very moral guy. – Hugh Hefner Guy Quotes Moral Quotes Someone once asked, ‘What’s your best pickup line?’ I said, ‘My best pickup line is, ‘Hi, my name is Hugh Hefner.’ It’s good to be selfish. But not so self-centered that you never listen to other people.
Aretha FranklinMusic Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It’s transporting, for sure. It can take you right back, years back, to the very moment certain things happened in your life. It’s uplifting, it’s encouraging, it’s strengthening. – Aretha Franklin
D H Lawrence One must learn to love, and go through a good deal of suffering to get to it… and the journey is always towards the other soul. – D H Lawrence
Lady Colin Campbell Let’s be clear about what an oik is, it is somebody from humble circumstance who behaves like trash. I am friends with many people from humble circumstances. – Lady Colin Campbell
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