Kat Timpf I’m all for teaching about important concepts like consent; I’m also very aware of how damaging and destructive it can be to be a victim of sexual harassment. – Kat Timpf Aware Quotes Concepts Quotes Consent Quotes Damaging Quotes Destructive Quotes Harassment Quotes Sexual Quotes Teaching Quotes Victim Quotes For years, fiscally conservative advocacy groups were giving then-Republican representative Justin Amash awards, praise, and donations. Now that he’s an independent, however, many of those same groups are snubbing him entirely. Throughout his career, Bloomberg has repeatedly shown blatant disrespect for individual rights and civil liberties. The first thing that comes to mind is probably the way he tried to micromanage New Yorkers’ food choices during his time as mayor.
Mirella Freni There was a special place in the tobacco manufacturer where my mother and the mother of Luciano, they worked together. When we were little babies, we stayed for a long time. In the evening, when the mammas finished the work, they brought us home. – Mirella Freni
Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann If I’m going to be working out two hours a day, I may as well have a goal… and I’m pretty competitive by nature. A triathlon is a new fun thing. – Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann
Jan Brewer And you know, I said yesterday, you know, you know, if they’re not going to – if the feds aren’t going to do their job, well, then, I’m up to suing the feds to make them do their job! I mean, they sued Arizona, you know, we can sue them back! I mean, they’re not – they’re not enforcing the laws! – Jan Brewer
Rupert Friend You fire blanks, but the guns eject real brass, hot cartridges. They’re, like, 400 degrees. – Rupert Friend
Leslyn Lewis I think that the Conservative party has to do better in reaching diverse communities… people see the party as too white and too male, and they don’t see diverse representation. – Leslyn Lewis
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