John Thaw I’m an introspective person. I’m not an extrovert. – John Thaw Extrovert Quotes Introspective Quotes Person Quotes I think sadly that Morse thinks that he can exist on his own and he only realises at the end that he can’t and never really has been able to. I feel sorry for him.
Anne Hathaway Mellow doesn’t always make for a good story, but it makes for a good life. – Anne Hathaway
Monica Keena I think what sets this one apart is that there are two horror movie icons finally battling each other. You actually see them beat the crap out of each other instead of just terrorizing the kids in the movie. – Monica Keena
Adrianne Lenker We pop into existence and we know that we die and we know that we lose everyone that we love and we know we even lose our own bodies. And what a paradigm. What a mystery. – Adrianne Lenker
Josh Trank I was told about ‘Misfits’ when we were in prep for ‘Chronicle’, and I wanted to watch it badly because I’m a fan of that kind of stuff. But I stopped myself because I was very careful about not getting too much contemporary influence. – Josh Trank
Cesare PaveseTravel If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears. – Cesare Pavese
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