Lari White I’m building my fan base around the fact that here’s someone who does things a little differently, who brings other musical influences into country music, and you never really know what she’s going to do next. – Lari White Base Quotes Brings Quotes Building Quotes Country Quotes Fan Quotes Influences Quotes Music Quotes Musical Quotes They love soul music in the U.K. I’m not a mainstream country artist, and I never will be.
A J Green Growing up in Ridgeville, South Carolina, pretty much all I saw was people working hard. – A J Green
Patrick Chan The attitude is different in the U.S. I feel like, in Canada, there is more of a sense of community and more of a sense of, ‘I’ll take the shirt off my back to help you because you’re my neighbour.’ There is not many of us, right? So each and every Canadian is very special. – Patrick Chan
Bobby Kotick I go to these cocktail parties now, and I say I make video games, and people go, ‘Wow.’ I can attract crowds. – Bobby Kotick
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