Ben Askren I’m dominant positionally, and my hands got power. – Ben Askren Dominant Quotes Hands Quotes Positionally Quotes Power Quotes I’m open to a super fight. My main motivation is to prove I’m No. 1 in the world.
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce I remember running at school sports day, and I would win everything, but I wasn’t a super athlete or a superstar at high school. – Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce
Ellen Stofan Everybody has busy lives, but you can tell people, ‘Go outside and look at the night sky. We’ve been able to demonstrate that every star you see probably has a planet around it.’ – Ellen Stofan
T J Miller I love writing but not crazy meticulous/prepared enough to be a director. I’d work as a gaffer on something. – T J Miller
Stephenie Meyer Vampirism, for me, was a way to live in fantasy and have superpowers, but not just in a really perfect, happy, everything is great way. It’s superpowers with a cost. It’s having to be the villain, and what do you do about that. – Stephenie Meyer
Juan Felipe Herrera If I can only be known as one thing, then, well, I guess it would be poet and performer and teacher. – Juan Felipe Herrera
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