Lykke Li I’m going to be like Benjamin Button; I’m just going to grow younger. I will probably be happy, fat, with kids and looking back and thinking, ‘I was such a angry young woman.’ – Lykke Li Angry Quotes Benjamin Quotes Button Quotes Fat Quotes Grow Quotes Happy Quotes Kids Quotes Thinking Quotes Woman Quotes I remember watching films in my teenage years, and you’d be in love with Leonardo DiCaprio, and then a song would come on. You’d love that song forever; it changed your life. I’m a very melancholic kind of person. I don’t know why; I think certain people are born a certain way.
Katharine Graham The press these days should be rather careful about its role. We may have acquired some tendencies about over-involvement that we had better overcome. – Katharine Graham
Severn Cullis-Suzuki I really have a passion for the sea, so I think it’s important that whatever I do, I want to be near the sea. – Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Sam Shepard When I just sit around my house and work, I can work two, three hours, and then I go off and ride a horse or do something that I perceive to be a lot more fun. – Sam Shepard
Steve Vai I know it is common nowadays for artists to start labels but this is a thoroughly constructed vehicle for inspired talent. This is a market that we’ve been living, breathing and eating for our entire lives – one where a huge void currently exists. Favored Nations is a long-term commitment. – Steve Vai
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