Monique Coleman I’m good in the kitchen. I can cook seafood, collard greens, black-eyed peas. – Monique Coleman Blackeyed Quotes Collard Quotes Cook Quotes Greens Quotes Kitchen Quotes Peas Quotes Seafood Quotes As an African American actress, there are people who have been staples in my life that opened a door that I can walk through. I hope that I can have that impact.
David MackaySpace I was a frustrated astronaut all my life. I grew up at a time when space seemed to have no boundaries, and lots of us presumed humans would be living on the moon and landing on Mars. – David Mackay
Rockline Venkatesh If you receive a pirated video on your mobile phones, kindly delete them. – Rockline Venkatesh
Alan Alda I’ve sat looking down into a volcano that could blow at any moment; I’ve helped catch a shark and several rattlesnakes; I let a tarantula walk across my hand, and I ate rat soup. – Alan Alda
JrSammy Davis Though I love the luxury of the Waldorf Towers, room service there doesn’t do soul food. – Sammy Davis, Jr
Chris Sullivan Snake Plissken walks in the room, any young actor is going to be a bit speechless. – Chris Sullivan
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