Meek Mill I’m into all types of stuff. I might have on Pumas one day, Givenchy the next. I’d wear this John Elliott sweat suit to the club. – Meek Mill Club Quotes Day Quotes Elliott Quotes Givenchy Quotes John Quotes Pumas Quotes Stuff Quotes Suit Quotes Sweat Quotes Types Quotes Wear Quotes I ain’t drop an album since I was 25. I rap way better. I’ve experienced way more. I think it’s way harder when you have success, ’cause people tend to not treat you the same or look at you the same because they see the success or the money you make.
Juan Martin del Potro Sometimes I have to deal with pain in my wrist, which is normal after all my surgeries, but I think it’s amazing for me to be just thinking about tennis, not anymore about the injuries. – Juan Martin del Potro
Allen Klein The tragedy of September 11th was so sudden, so enormous, and so horrendous, both in terms of lives lost and global consequences, that this country and the world went into immediate and prolonged shock. – Allen Klein
James Marsden I have always weirdly seen myself as more of a character actor. I have never been suave. I could never see myself playing James Bond. I suppose I could fake it, but I am certainly not James Bond in real life. – James Marsden
Lapsley I prefer to listen to a lot of male singers rather than females. Sometimes I find it a bit too shrill. I even find my own voice a bit too high. – Lapsley
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