Eddi Reader I’m just an ordinary, walking-down-the-street, mother of two children who sings for her supper. – Eddi Reader Children Quotes Mother Quotes Ordinary Quotes Sings Quotes Supper Quotes Walkingdownthestreet Quotes I have never had a man give me money. I’ve always been the provider. I have always been the one who went out and earned, and I’ve never felt unequal in that way. I can speak French, understand Gaelic and know my history. That’s the training music has given me.
Richard Coles Grandpa Keith made shoes for Adam Faith and George Best. I was dazzled by such people. As a teenager, I was haunted by the idea of people living glamorously beyond my provincial horizons. – Richard Coles
Marcelo Cristiano is a fantastic player, maybe the best. For me it is a great honour to play with him. You just have to pass him the ball and he does the rest. – Marcelo
Dakota Fanning I think I really like psychology because my job is all about getting inside another person’s mind and thoughts. – Dakota Fanning
Carl Honore The spark for ‘In Praise of Slowness’ came when I began reading to my children. Every parent knows that kids like their bedtime stories read at a gentle, meandering pace. But I used to be too fast to slow down with the Brothers Grimm. I would zoom through the classic fairy tales, skipping lines, paragraphs, whole pages. – Carl Honore
Najib Razak The world is shifting from a hegemonic era, where the United States dominated alone, to a multipolar system. – Najib Razak
Abigail Johnson We set up a small bitcoin and ethereum mining operation… that miraculously now is actually making a lot of money. – Abigail Johnson
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