Oren Peli I’m just considering myself extremely lucky. All I wanted is to have ‘Paranormal Activity’ be released and become successful. And everything that’s happened since then is just an enormous bonus. – Oren Peli Activity Quotes Bonus Quotes Enormous Quotes Extremely Quotes Happened Quotes Lucky Quotes Paranormal Quotes Released Quotes Successful Quotes I believe that whenever I want to learn something I can learn it much better and faster by myself if I’m motivated to learn it as opposed to kind of doing it in more a standard, institutionalized way. For a found-footage-style movie, there’s a definite advantage in using unknowns, because it helps sell the illusion that it’s real. A known actor would get in the way of the suspension of disbelief.
Polo G I didn’t want my son to see the same things I had seen growing up or have to go through the same things I went through. – Polo G
Erykah Badu I don’t feel like I need to preach to the world or nothing like that. I just feel like I share what I say, and if listeners get it, they get it. And I never underestimate the audience’s ability to feel me. – Erykah Badu
DietKarl Lagerfeld I drink Diet Coke from the minute I get up to the minute I go to bed. – Karl Lagerfeld
Joe Carnahan Think about a guy like Bob Mitchum, with his kind of chest gut not defining itself one way or the other. Was there anybody tougher? Lee Marvin was a marine sniper during the Second World War. They had this sense of themselves, and they had this product of being a man in a masculine way. – Joe Carnahan
Roger Bannister When I was about to break a world record and become well known, my mother used to say that for her the important thing was for me to become a doctor – a career which had not been possible in her generation and in her society. Sport was something to be set aside. – Roger Bannister
Megan McKenna People I thought would never actually like my music, now follow me on Twitter who didn’t before, because of my music. – Megan McKenna
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