Gilbert Gottfried I’m known for my slightly inappropriate remarks. – Gilbert Gottfried Inappropriate Quotes Remarks Quotes I was Jewish, through and through, although in our house that didn’t mean a whole lot. We never went to synagogue. I never had a Bar Mitzvah. We didn’t keep kosher or observe the Sabbath. In fact, I’m not so sure I would have known what the Sabbath looked like if it passed me on the street, so how could I observe it? The ‘Phoenix Sun’ did a list of the unsexiest men in the world, and I made it to number one. I beat out Bin Laden. He’s a terrorist, hasn’t bathed in months. I beat him out. To me it was a great honor.
Archie Manning As you get older, I have seen it a lot… fighting among siblings. The reason is usually money or spouses. But my kids don’t fall into that trap. – Archie Manning
Jules Verne Though sleep is called our best friend, it is a friend who often keeps us waiting! – Jules Verne
Gladys KnightLearning I know those challenges that come up from time to time in life are our little learning tools, our little steppingstones. If we didn’t have those things in our life, how would we learn anything? We would just be walking around like nothing. We need those obstacles in our life because I know one thing – I’m a much better person for them. – Gladys Knight
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