Lykke Li I’m more old school: I want to be like Keith Richards on stage. It’s not interesting to see straight-from-runway clothes slapped on an artist. It’s more interesting when you see people who have their own style. – Lykke Li Artist Quotes Clothes Quotes Keith Quotes People Quotes Richards Quotes School Quotes Slapped Quotes Stage Quotes Straightfromrunway Quotes Style Quotes The thing is, if you’re in this world, you have to do things for yourself, not for others, because everyone will judge you for anything. For men, it’s about finding the perfect shoe or the perfect pants that will last you through the years. That’s how I want to shop: sustainable, classic, great quality.
FamousRishi Kapoor I like to call myself as son of famous father and father of famous son. – Rishi Kapoor
Leo Ornstein We can use techniques in modifying things, in controlling things, but the first impulse has to be something that you simply cannot make just out of technique, or else it becomes perfectly evident that it is nothing but technique that you’re exercising. – Leo Ornstein
Liz Cambage I think guards need to be able to have a post up in their game when mismatches happen and I think post players need to have an outside game, and that’s something I’ve always worked on. – Liz Cambage
John Collins When I see myself – ‘John Collins the Atlanta Hawks’ – saying that and hearing that, hearing myself say that, looking in the mirror, and realizing ‘man I made it’ is crazy to think about. – John Collins
FamilyJazz Jennings I’m the youngest of four siblings and the baby of the family. My family just treated me like anyone else growing up. They taught me that everyone has a special and unique trait about them, and that mine is that I have a girl brain and a boy body. – Jazz Jennings
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