Eric Heiden I’m not a big fan of those who are egotistical and so outspoken. – Eric Heiden Egotistical Quotes Fan Quotes Outspoken Quotes Immediately after the Olympics, I was pretty fatigued. I’d rather get a nice warmup suit. That’s something I can use. Gold medals just sit there. When I get old, maybe I could sell them if I need the money.
Annie Besant We have no right to pick out all that is noblest and fairest in man, to project these qualities into space, and to call them God. We only thus create an ideal figure, a purified, ennobled, ‘magnified’ Man. – Annie Besant
Caleb Plant We’re not just up here keeping our fingers crossed hoping that things turn out how they should. That’s not how life works. If you want something, then you’ve got to believe it and you’ve got to feel it in your heart. But you got to work for it. – Caleb Plant
EducationFreedomStedman Graham Freedom is about a way of thinking. Freedom is about understanding that you can do anything that you want and freedom is about being able to take information and education and make it relevant to your own growth every single day. Freedom is not staying in the box. Freedom is not doing what other people want you to do. – Stedman Graham
Lena Headey There’s a perceived inverse relation between looks and talent. Look at Charlize Theron – she made herself ugly for ‘Monster’ and suddenly everyone said ‘she’s a genius.’ It shouldn’t be like that. – Lena Headey
Sidney Blumenthal We barely missed killing Bin Laden. There were numerous findings issued by the President to kill him. We rolled up terrorist cells. We stopped the millennium bombings. – Sidney Blumenthal
Marie Helvin I don’t wear mini-skirts or shorts because I have thread veins on my legs and cellulite, and I won’t wear tights. – Marie Helvin
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