Keith Flint I’m not a singer. – Keith Flint Singer Quotes I am quite schizophrenic as a person. I can be sweet as anything and lovely, and then I can just go into a scene that people are quite shocked with. I’m in a band. I’ll do what I want.
Ellen Ullman Evolution, dismissed as a sloppy programmer, has seen fit to create us as a wild amalgam of everything that came before us: except for the realm of insects, the whole history of life on earth is inscribed within our bodies. – Ellen Ullman
Lara Flynn Boyle I remember doing the sex scene in Red Rock West. I had to kiss Nic Cage and then look like I was going down on him. And he couldn’t do anything – he just had to lie there. – Lara Flynn Boyle
Heidi Hammel Because exploration is not science driven, you’ve got to ask what is it driven by? And it’s driven by politics. – Heidi Hammel
Jasmine Guy Life is way better than TV. I recommend it to anyone who has forgotten they have one. – Jasmine Guy
Gail Bradbrook So many of us who’ve been thinking about the ecological crisis have had this horrible creeping feeling, like nothing was getting done and it was getting worse. – Gail Bradbrook
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