Sisqo I’m not crazy or anything, but I’m so into my music, I assume the role of Dragon and that’s why I said ‘Return of Dragon.’ It’s the whole persona. It’s the music as well as myself and the energy all conglomerated together. – Sisqo Assume Quotes Conglomerated Quotes Crazy Quotes Dragon Quotes Energy Quotes Music Quotes Persona Quotes Return Quotes Role Quotes I know what I have to do when I go into the studio. Hopefully, you know, I can finally get to the big action movie which I really want to do.
Jonathan Franklin The global embrace of the Chilean miners had as much to do with the state of the planet as it did the fate of the trapped men. Every year, thousands of miners are trapped and die. Hundreds more are rescued. The world’s press has no shortage of global good-news stories. Heroes abound if reporters and editors take the time to search. – Jonathan Franklin
Raymond E Feist Also, it’s risky to try to duplicate earlier success. Magician had a certain charm to it, mostly due to my choice of lead characters, that I would be hard put to duplicate. – Raymond E Feist
DreamsFlo Rida With my charity Big Dreams For Kids, I believe the more you give, the more you receive. – Flo Rida
Sonny Sandoval I know God is watching out for me, and he’s saying, ‘OK, son, watch your step now. You can be in these places, but just be careful. Keep your guard up.’ – Sonny Sandoval
Brian Sutton-Smith It’s a mistake to try to use play to deliberately foster developmental progress. – Brian Sutton-Smith
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