Robert Lepage I’m not good at entertainment. I don’t give myself to all the interviews, game shows, or talk shows. – Robert Lepage Entertainment Quotes Game Quotes Interviews Quotes Talk Quotes I’m not good at doing show business; I’m a theatre person. I don’t reveal anything about my life. Everybody loves Vegas, and everybody puts it down, especially intellectuals and artists. We have to rub our feet on it, but we’re all secretly thrilled to be there.
Nick Viall I remember when driving and traveling through Lapland, every road is surrounded by huge beautiful trees. Eight out of 10 times I would see a family of reindeer run beside the road or even through the highway holding up traffic. They’re huge and unbelievable to see in person. – Nick Viall
Neil LaButeSociety We live in a disposable society. It’s easier to throw things out than to fix them. We even give it a name – we call it recycling. – Neil LaBute
Adam Clayton The art market was very different before the mid-1980s: then, art was all about passion, whereas now it’s become a commodity. – Adam Clayton
Jonathan Krisel I am huge fan of Australian comedy. ‘Strictly Ballroom’ is one of my favorite movies. Definitely the British Commonwealth’s sensibility is where I draw a lot of my influences. – Jonathan Krisel
Ari Shaffir My father said that I was lower than a dog, because even a dog believes in God. – Ari Shaffir
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