Bernard Sumner I’m not interested in the past or in talking about myself. – Bernard Sumner Talking Quotes Playing live is great, but it’s not a creative thing, really. It’s a reproductive thing. I was interested in Prozac from a personal point of view because I can be a bit moody – things do get on top of me sometimes – so I was quite keen to find out what it would do to my personality.
Margo Jefferson The burden of being a constant symbol, of having to live up to a symbol of advancement, of progress, of being perfect in some way and always representing the destiny of an entire people – that is supposed to be invincibility. That’s enormous. – Margo Jefferson
Robert Jackson Microbes are doing things we didn’t even know they could do 10 years ago. – Robert Jackson
CarolinePrincess of Hanover I like pop music, especially Crosby, Nash, Stills and Young, Stevie Wonder and Paul Simon – he’s broken up with Art Garfunkel hasn’t he? – but I can’t study while pop music is playing. – Caroline, Princess of Hanover
H P Lovecraft I am well-nigh resolv’d to write no more tales but merely to dream when I have a mind to, not stopping to do anything so vulgar as to set down the dream for a boarish Publick. – H P Lovecraft
Spencer Bachus Pre-teens, teens and college students have unlimited access to the Internet – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Because of the repeated exposure they have to illegal Internet gambling sites, they fall victim by the thousands. – Spencer Bachus
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