Jonny Wilkinson I’m not necessarily proud of the World Cups and the grand slams won or lost, the amount of points I scored, this record or that. – Jonny Wilkinson Cups Quotes Grand Quotes Lost Quotes Record Quotes Scored Quotes Slams Quotes What I am proud of is I have searched for the best of me and I have been a team man without fail. When you’re obsessive, like me, searching for something unattainable can become unhealthy… it’s like falling through the air and grabbing at the clouds.
Sophie Hannah No one has been buried at Mill Road Cemetery in Cambridge, England, for many years, and so the place has a shady, overgrown magic about it. – Sophie Hannah
Mollie Hemingway The Trump White House would be known for its high placement of females in key roles if the media were even remotely honest about the facts. – Mollie Hemingway
Kate Winslet You learn from things that you experience in life. I’d never want to say that I regret anything or that anything was a mistake. Honestly, that isn’t how I have chosen to live my life. – Kate Winslet
Joe Manchin Economic development is what’s going to make mountaintop removal palatable. – Joe Manchin
Michael Koryta I’ve always listened to music while I write, but none of my work has been so directly impacted by a song as my new novel, ‘So Cold the River,’ for which the brilliant strings piece ‘Short Trip Home,’ composed by Edgar Meyer and featuring the incredible Joshua Bell on violin, inspired much of the story. – Michael Koryta
Seinabo Sey I sing because it soothes me, and I write because I want to let others know that they’re not alone with their problems. – Seinabo Sey
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