Sara Ramirez I’m not one of those actors who lies about their age. – Sara Ramirez Actors Quotes Age Quotes Lies Quotes It’s fun when the writers take risk regardless of the reaction that it might get, and that’s fun for an actor. You’re able to not just play one thing all the time. TV is a writer’s medium.
Jocko WillinkLeadership Put your leaders in stressful scenarios. Make them figure out solutions under pressure. See if you can make them frustrated, angry, and flustered, and then demand decisive leadership from them. They will be challenged at first, but they will get better over time. – Jocko Willink
FuturePeter Lynch So while I was in college I did a little study on the freight industry, the air freight industry. And I looked at this company called Flying Tiger. And I actually put a thousand dollars in it and I remember I thought this air cargo was going to be a thing of the future. – Peter Lynch
Chris HarrisJr You’re out there on an island. It’s just you and the best receiver, man-to-man, in one-on-one coverage a lot of the time. And you don’t really get any help. If you get beat, everyone can see. If you get scored on, everyone knows. That’s the difficulty of playing corner. – Chris Harris, Jr
Jody Watley In some cases I feel like they haven’t appreciated enough that growing up doesn’t mean boring and old and not full of life. I like to talk about that also. – Jody Watley
James Howard Kunstler The model of the human habitat dictated by zoning is a formless, soul-less, centerless, demoralizing mess. It bankrupts families and townships. It disables whole classes of decent, normal citizens. It ruins the air we breathe. It corrupts and deadens our spirit. – James Howard Kunstler
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