Alexandra Paul I’m not particularly impressed with going 50 miles per gallon. That doesn’t impress me when we can go to the moon. – Alexandra Paul Gallon Quotes Impress Quotes Impressed Quotes Miles Quotes Moon Quotes I really believe in non-violence, but I also believe in a short of resistance that has to be respectful. I know I’m an actor, but I’m not at all a believer in people watching a lot of TV. I’ve never had television in my home.
Stephen Carter I think that black fiction authors have to work very hard to avoid being typed as seeking only a black audience. – Stephen Carter
James Gray Melodrama and melodramatic are not the same thing, and often people make the mistake of confusing the two. – James Gray
Steven Levy After a few days with the iPhone X, I can begin to make out its themes. It’s a step towards fading the actual physical manifestation of technology into a mist where it’s just there – a phone that’s ‘all screen,’ one that turns on simply by seeing you, one that removes the mechanics of buttons and charging cables. – Steven Levy
Steve Aoki When I work with artists, I give them a general guideline of what my vision is. Then they’re going to speak their minds on how they view it, too. The song that defines ‘Neon Future’ the best is the title track. I wrote that with Luke Steele of Empire of the Sun. It’s through his words. We had an amazing songwriting session together, connecting. – Steve Aoki
Albert HammondJr If I have an audience, I’d like to make music for my whole life. But it’s not really up to me. – Albert Hammond, Jr
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