Stacey Solomon I’m not perfect, I’m not brilliant at everything, I just try my best and I enjoy crafting. If I have something old or broken and I can use it for something else, I get a real joy out of it. – Stacey Solomon Brilliant Quotes Broken Quotes Crafting Quotes Enjoy Quotes Joy Quotes Perfect Quotes Real Quotes Having a task to focus solely on makes me forget about anything I’m worried or anxious about. I get so many lovely messages and so many people tag me in their own crafting and upcycling and I love it.
Aaron Sorkin Not all paintings are abstract; they’re not all Jackson Pollock. There’s value in a photograph of a man alone on a boat at sea, and there is value in painting of a man alone on a boat at sea. In the painting, the painting has more freedom to express an idea, more latitude in being able to elicit certain emotion. – Aaron Sorkin
David Eagleman I think the first decade of this century is going to be remembered as a time of extremism. – David Eagleman
Claire Tomalin After Shakespeare, Dickens is the great creator of characters, multiple characters. – Claire Tomalin
BestGroucho MarxPet Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read. – Groucho Marx
Moises Arias I can see myself doing production work and handling projects behind the scenes. – Moises Arias
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