Robert Urich I’m not ready for another series. I have fun doing other kinds of things. – Robert Urich Fun Quotes Kinds Quotes Ready Quotes Series Quotes I’ve cheated myself: there are other things I could have done to fill out the bouquet of my career. I know it sounds hokey but I think, ultimately, on television you can’t hide who you are.
Jim Justice Now, I underline – underline, underline, underline – nobody loves the outdoors as much as me. Nobody loves water as much as me. – Jim Justice
Steven Weinberg Even though I knew pretty early that I was going to be a scientist, it wasn’t the science that interested me in science fiction; it was the vision of future societies that, for better or worse, would be radically different from our own. – Steven Weinberg
Freddie Wong On the advertising side, view count is not the most important thing. It’s engagement. – Freddie Wong
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