Jeri Ryan I’m not seeking out genre films, but this just came my way, and Miramax was good enough to add a role for me because we wanted the chance to work together. – Jeri Ryan Add Quotes Chance Quotes Films Quotes Genre Quotes Miramax Quotes Role Quotes Seeking Quotes I’m not so widely known that I’m going to be pigeonholed. I would defy people to find a more beautifully developed character than Seven of Nine.
Lactantius The poets, therefore, however much they adorned the gods in their poems, and amplified their exploits with the highest praises, yet very frequently confess that all things are held together and governed by one spirit or mind. – Lactantius
John Delaney The big legislative updates that we need to compete in the 21st century and to raise living standards have been blocked by a reluctance to seek common ground. – John Delaney
Preet Bharara We have witnessed the most educated, successful, and monied professionals in the country put their companies – not to mention their own liberty – at risk by engaging in flagrant and foolhardy illegal conduct. – Preet Bharara
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