Esther Rolle I’m not so in love with material things that I’ll do anything for money. That allows me the luxury of doing things of value. – Esther Rolle Love Quotes Luxury Quotes Material Quotes Money Quotes I don’t take roles I can’t respect. If I can’t find a reason to be respectful of the character, I won’t do it because I couldn’t do it justice. I’m glad to take on the role of a domestic because many of your black leaders, your educators, your professionals came from domestic parents who made sacrifices to see that their children didn’t go through what they did.
Jonathan Ames I am part of a vast generation of people who perpetually live as if they just graduated from college. – Jonathan Ames
Susan Minot Recording a scene with paint rather than film sinks you more deeply into your surroundings. You have to look a little harder and a little longer. And you end up with a memento. – Susan Minot
Amanda Bynes So many people comment that I’m much more mature than average. In this business, you can get taken advantage of if you’re not aware and you’re not tough. – Amanda Bynes
Sojourner Truth Good man! Genuine gentleman! God bless George Thompson, the great-hearted friend of my race. – Sojourner Truth
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