John Curran I’m not the kind of director who imposes his processes on everybody else. – John Curran Director Quotes Imposes Quotes Processes Quotes I cited ‘Catch-22’ as a landmark film and one of my favourites. If you have a film that’s talking about God, you would think that it would appeal to people that consider themselves religious, whatever denomination they’re attached to.
Matt Bomer I don’t know anybody who walks through life all the time in the doldrums, constantly serious and morose. But that’s become what we generalize as drama. – Matt Bomer
Maria Montessori With man, the life of the body depends on the life of the spirit. – Maria Montessori
Keren Woodward We were very creative. There was nothing contrived about us. No one telling us what to do, what to wear, what to sing. We wrote our own material, chose our producers. – Keren Woodward
Ian Harding I’d always dreamed of being an actor and going out to Los Angeles or New York and being paid to do what you love, and then I went and did that, and it wasn’t what I expected. – Ian Harding
Joyce BrothersMarriage Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash. – Joyce Brothers
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