DMX I’m not the mixtape guy who’s gonna put out a new one every month. I’m gonna allow my albums to marinate and resonate and whatever type of ‘ates’ they can do. I’m gonna let my music grow on them. – DMX Albums Quotes Ates Quotes Gonna Quotes Grow Quotes Guy Quotes Marinate Quotes Mixtape Quotes Month Quotes Music Quotes Resonate Quotes Type Quotes Somebody’s upset with every movie. A lot of artists that I’ve met let me know they’re huge fans of mine.
Ella Eyre I was a competitive swimmer as a teenager, only stopping when I got persistent ear infections. Every day was a 6 A.M. start to swim before lessons, then choir or dance classes after. – Ella Eyre
Fede Alvarez Evil Dead’ was such a big movie in my life. It’s one of the few that I really remember when I watched it for the first time. I mean, I don’t remember when I first saw ‘The Empire Strikes Back,’ and it’s one of my favourite movies. – Fede Alvarez
Brian Stelter It’s not as if Trump is addicted to the best-researched, most in-depth, meticulously sourced material in the world. If he were, we’d all be better off, right? – Brian Stelter
Paul Di Filippo The term ‘steampunk’ itself, now a badge of honor, began as a putdown, a joke. But like ‘Big Bang’ in cosmology, the diss became the standard. – Paul Di Filippo
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