Chris Cornell I’m not usually in a talkative mode. – Chris Cornell Mode Quotes Talkative Quotes To me, music shouldn’t be ego-driven. When you go out on stage and play songs, it is. But when you’re sitting in a room, writing songs, it’s a completely different process. It’s a completely different place. It’s a creative place, a musical place. It has nothing to do with who likes what. I think there needs to be a global focus on people taking care of people.
Linda Thomas-Greenfield Look, Russia is a member of the Security Council. That’s in the U.N. Charter, but we are going to hold Russia accountable for disrespecting the U.N. Charter. – Linda Thomas-Greenfield
ChristmasDebby Ryan My mom always makes the whole family pile into the car and drive around to look at the Christmas lights. My brother and I never want to do it, but my mom just loves it! – Debby Ryan
Johnny Vegas My forte is playing drunks down the ages. When my agent rings me about a role, I don’t ask what the part is, but what century it’s in. – Johnny Vegas
Anton SeidlSad It always makes me sad when I think of how I saw Wagner wasting his vitality, not only by singing their parts to some of his artists, but acting out the smallest details, and of how few they were who were responsive to his wishes. – Anton Seidl
Edwin Powell HubbleSpace We find them smaller and fainter, in constantly increasing numbers, and we know that we are reaching into space, farther and farther, until, with the faintest nebulae that can be detected with the greatest telescopes, we arrive at the frontier of the known universe. – Edwin Powell Hubble
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