Connie Britton I’m obsessed with ‘Thelma and Louise,’ and therefore obsessed with Callie Khouri who wrote that movie. – Connie Britton Callie Quotes Khouri Quotes Louise Quotes Movie Quotes Obsessed Quotes Thelma Quotes Wrote Quotes In the past I’d always felt like ‘the girl’ in the show or the movie. On ‘Friday Night Lights’ there were a bunch of girls, and I was the woman. Initially there was a little struggle with my identity around that. But now there’s a sense of ease. I would say country is the one type of music I’ve spent the least amount of time with in my life. I grew up in Virginia, where there was a lot of it, but I was more interested in rock and roll. Southern rock.
Dave Mustaine When you’ve got somebody who’s a flaming liberal like Bill Maher calling you out, something’s wrong. – Dave Mustaine
PositiveStorm Reid Ms. Oprah Winfrey gave me some advice to just always stay in the moment, and don’t waste energy on negative things, and put your energy into positive things in your life. I just try to remember that every day and keep on going. – Storm Reid
Chris Hughton One thing I would always say is speculation is always flattering because if someone is talking about you or linking you to a job then it’s something that is flattering. – Chris Hughton
Mat Kearney I’ve never been one to learn scales and do exercises. Maybe I’m lazy, but I just don’t take to that kind of thing. Learning other people’s songs is enjoyable, and my fingers tend to go to new places because I’m not playing my music, the stuff that comes naturally to me. – Mat Kearney
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