Ben Sasse I’m often asked by search committees for public and private universities to help them think about how to find their next president. – Ben Sasse Committees Quotes President Quotes Private Quotes Public Quotes Search Quotes Universities Quotes As a former college president, I am well aware that every university is a complicated ecosystem, not a linear widget factory. I think most Americans believe in a basic social safety net.
Marco Arment Programmers work in bursts of productivity. Then, they let the brain rest and get back into it. A lot about the office world is not a great fit for me. – Marco Arment
Alek Wek It’s sometimes tiring to get off a long-haul flight and go straight to the studio for a shoot, but if you really plan everything well, you can get so much out of combining travel with work. – Alek Wek
Michael Ignatieff I may have come into politics with an unacknowledged condescension toward the game and the people who played it, but I left with more respect for politicians than when I went in. The worst of them – the careerists and predators – you find in all professions. The best of them were a credit to democracy. – Michael Ignatieff
Adam Ferguson Like the winds that we come we know not whence and blow whither soever they list, the forces of society are derived from an obscure and distant origin. They arise before the date of philosophy, from the instincts, not the speculations of men. – Adam Ferguson
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