Lee Mack I’m on my own when I say this, but I’m one of the few people that think that ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ is better than ‘Seinfeld.’ – Lee Mack Loves Quotes People Quotes Raymond Quotes Seinfeld Quotes For me, I wanted to write a book about getting into comedy. That’s what I wanted to write. It’s much harder to have a BBC One sitcom than to have a tour of stand-up.
Omari Hardwick If reality shows are so popular, that means their viewers are screaming for more realness. – Omari Hardwick
J Philippe Rushton To deny the predictive validity of race at this level is nonscientific and unrealistic. – J Philippe Rushton
Brandon Stanton The most pivotal moments in people’s lives revolve around emotions. Emotions make stories powerful. – Brandon Stanton
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