Martin Sheen I’m one of those cliff-hanging Catholics. I don’t believe in God, but I do believe that Mary was his mother. – Martin Sheen Catholics Quotes Cliffhanging Quotes God Quotes Mary Quotes Mother Quotes This Administration has led us into an area without vision. Bush has no clear understanding of what is being asked of the citizens, and the military is under his direction. I do it because I can’t seem to live with myself if I do not. I don’t know any other way to be. It isn’t something you can explain; it is just something that you do; it is something that you are.
Misty May-Treanor I try to do something every day. I lift weights at least three to four days per week, and I’ll intersperse that with cardio. For example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I’ll run and do heavy lifting, and on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I’ll spend two hours lifting weights, as well as something like swimming. – Misty May-Treanor
Susan Rice Americans understand that our security is enhanced when the United States is trusted and respected in the world. – Susan Rice
Adam Cole I do work incredibly hard. I eat, sleep, and breathe pro wrestling with all of my heart, and I’m always committed to giving this my all. – Adam Cole
Hasnat Khan It’s been difficult for me to get my head around Diana’s death or talk about it. After she died, things were difficult, very difficult. We all have our own traumas and get on with it. But when it’s there in your face year in, year out, it’s hard. – Hasnat Khan
Lane Garrison If you speak to anyone who’s ever done time, the fact that you make it out of there alive is a miracle. – Lane Garrison
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