TJ Dillashaw I’m one of those guys that loses and gains weight out of my face. – TJ Dillashaw Gains Quotes Guys Quotes Loses Quotes Weight Quotes I believe I’m the best of all-time at bantamweight. I don’t want to be fighting when I’m 37 years old.
Abhimanyu Singh I used my television phase to save myself as an actor for the bigger screen. – Abhimanyu Singh
Lauren Oliver Finishing books – and leaving the world you’ve created – is always a kind of emotionally wrenching experience. I usually cry. – Lauren Oliver
Recep Tayyip ErdoganReligion Islam is a religion. It is not an ideology. For a Muslim, there is no such thing as to be against modernity. Why should a Muslim not be a modern person? I, as a Muslim, fulfill all the requirements of my religion, and I live in a democratic, social state. – Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Martin Filler During the nineteenth century, the rapid emergence and proliferation of new manufacturing methods and building technologies led to the establishment of polytechnic schools that concentrated on the practicalities of engineering and construction rather than the niceties of stylistic correctness or adherence to established precedent. – Martin Filler
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