Joe Satriani I’m pretty sure I was about the only kid in school who knew who Jimi Hendrix even was. Through my older siblings, I was getting turned on to all the great music that was happening at the time, and I really loved Hendrix. – Joe Satriani Happening Quotes Hendrix Quotes Jimi Quotes Kid Quotes Loved Quotes Music Quotes Pretty Quotes School Quotes Siblings Quotes Time Quotes Here’s something weird, though: I loved Jimi’s music so much that I would never perform it for people. Throughout my teens and playing in various bands, I refused to play Hendrix songs. I know that sounds strange, but Jimi’s music was so special to me that it was like works of art that shouldn’t be touched or altered. We don’t test out the songs live, and we don’t play them for weeks on end in the studio. We have, like, one day to get two songs down. So what happens is, everybody’s attention and energy gets ratcheted up. But it’s good because it helps us focus.
Manal al-Sharif When you see corruption, when you see injustice, you speak up. You don’t just shut up and say it’s none of my business. – Manal al-Sharif
Steve Winwood To make a living from doing something I love is fantastic. As long as people want to listen to me, I’ll keep doing it. In fact, to tell you the truth, even if no one did want to listen to me, I’d still be doing it! – Steve Winwood
George McGovern I did frequently refer to my war record in World War II, but not in any flamboyant way. – George McGovern
Hank Williams III Over the years, Cajun music has always calmed me down, or if I’m feeling real sick or feeling real unsettled, I can put that music on and try to get focused again. – Hank Williams III
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