Dan Quisenberry I’m probably the only relief pitcher who has more saves than strikeouts. – Dan Quisenberry Pitcher Quotes Relief Quotes Saves Quotes Strikeouts Quotes Every year the World Series should go seven games for the dramatics of it.
Mary E Pearson I have a manuscript that I’m almost done with, but I’ve been saying that forever. I’m on what I think will be the second-to-last chapter. It’s a story about chance and coincidence. – Mary E Pearson
Armaan Malik In this filmy world, you will have success today but may not have it tomorrow. But if you are prepared to face the challenge it throws, that’s when you should venture in this industry. I was ready for this and had all sorts of support from my parents. – Armaan Malik
CarLarry the Cable Guy I’m a huge NASCAR fan, but I’m not a gearhead. I’ve never been into fixing cars. It’s not because I don’t like it. I would love to know more. It’s just my dad never taught me that stuff because my dad wasn’t a mechanic. – Larry the Cable Guy
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