Robert Green I’m proud playing for the country, and I want to represent them as much as I can. – Robert Green Country Quotes Playing Quotes Represent Quotes I’m proud playing for the country, and I want to represent them as much as I can. With goalkeepers, when a team looks for a keeper, it looks for someone with experience.
Peter Ustinov Her virtue was that she said what she thought, her vice that what she thought didn’t amount to much. – Peter Ustinov
Stan Laurel We never dealt with satire or suggestive material. Although some of our films were broad parodies or burlesques of popular dramatic themes, there was no conscious attempt at being either sarcastic or offensive. – Stan Laurel
Albert Murray The blues is not the creation of a crushed-spirited people. It is the product of a forward-looking, upward-striving people. – Albert Murray
Paul DaviesTechnology To expect alien technology to be just a few decades ahead of ours is too incredible to be taken seriously. – Paul Davies
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