Rachel Riley I’m really interested in male and female brains and whether female brains or male brains are better at maths. – Rachel Riley Brains Quotes Female Quotes Male Quotes Maths Quotes I’m a massive football fan, so when Ladbrokes approached me and asked me to take a look at the statistics, I jumped at the chance. There’s an ingrained mentality in our culture that women aren’t as good. Other places, it doesn’t exist.
Gregory Porter On stage, it’s very naked. There’s a reason you shake your knees. You’re very vulnerable, cos it’s just you, your body is the instrument. But I always had confidence in my voice, if I had the right song, the right words to sing. – Gregory Porter
Chey Tae-won While many people overseas envy Korea’s development, it is true that society has many problems such as economic polarization and a low birthrate. – Chey Tae-won
Monica Bellucci I don’t know Hollywood very well. I’ve never lived in Los Angeles or New York. But what I can see in Paris, where I live, is that actresses like Catherine Deneuve, Isabelle Huppert, Charlotte Rampling, still get the chance to play strong, sexy roles even though they’re not 20. – Monica Bellucci
John Maeda Growing up, I found I was good at two things: Art and Math. To hear my parents say it, though, it was only, ‘John is good at Math.’ – John Maeda
Richard Ford There’s a lot to be said for doing what you’re not supposed to do, and the rewards of doing what you’re supposed to do are more subtle and take longer to become apparent, which maybe makes it less attractive. But your life is the blueprint you make after the building is built. – Richard Ford
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