Marton Csokas I’m relatively physically adept and I like throwing myself around. Once, twice, but then you get to nine, ten, eleven and to try and make it look realistic all the time, that’s not very pleasant. – Marton Csokas Adept Quotes Physically Quotes Pleasant Quotes Realistic Quotes Throwing Quotes Time Quotes Repetition on things like that becomes quite painful. If you do a stunt sometimes it can look like a stunt.
Corinne Bailey Rae I love to watch films, going out and watching bands, going out dancing. – Corinne Bailey Rae
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce Hard work is something that comes without saying for us to achieve the things we want. – Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce
Fred VanVleet Academia hasn’t traditionally been an inclusive place for many of us, and so it’s important to make space specifically for people who want to learn, but who are facing barriers that others do not. – Fred VanVleet
Marielle Heller Our culture of the Bay Area is a place where you want to be different. You want to be seen. You want to be heard. – Marielle Heller
Ron Howard The sooner we become a multi-planet species, the safer the species is, and the stronger the guarantee that we’re going to continue to evolve. – Ron Howard
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