Ralph Northam I’m running for governor because I want to build a Virginia that works for everyone – no matter who you are, no matter where you’re from. – Ralph Northam Build Quotes Governor Quotes Matter Quotes Running Quotes Virginia Quotes Growing up with a father who was a judge, I heard a lot about justice. But for justice to be applied, punishments need to fit their crimes. Mandatory minimums are focused on punishment, not rehabilitation.
Jaime Camil I’ve always been a fan of Five For Fighting’s song ‘Superman.’ It’s like an anthem, and I love it. – Jaime Camil
Michelle Monaghan I really believe in less is more in terms of makeup. I try not to wear too much foundation. I like to see my skin coming through. I like to see my freckles. I just think that’s the most youthful look. – Michelle Monaghan
Dean Devlin It’s always hard to watch something you create be put in somebody else’s hands. – Dean Devlin
Mesut Ozil I pray almost every day, and you can see that I pray on the pitch. I pray in the dressing room. That is just part of my life. – Mesut Ozil
Jens Lekman A lot of people would write to me long stories from their lives, and I felt they were thinking of me as some sort of treasure chest to keep their secrets. I felt like sometimes they would tell me stories they wouldn’t tell anybody else in the whole world. And I loved these stories. – Jens Lekman
Frank Zappa It isn’t necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia. – Frank Zappa
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