Spencer Pratt I’m supposed to be Kim Kardashian. – Spencer Pratt Kardashian Quotes Kim Quotes Supposed Quotes Heidi and I, we were just always on our own. We had such a level of fame, I had never imagined needing to meet other people. Why are the Kardashians still on TV? They’re billionaires! It’s because they know that being on camera is going to move product.
Edward TufteHopeTechnology The minimum we should hope for with any display technology is that it should do no harm. – Edward Tufte
AloneBuddha Of those beings who live in ignorance, shut up and confined, as it were, in an egg, I have first broken the eggshell of ignorance and alone in the universe obtained the most exalted, universal Buddhahood. – Buddha
David McCallum Fear, conformity, immorality: these are heavy burdens. They drain us of creative energy. And when we are drained of creative energy, we do not create. We procreate, but we do not create. – David McCallum
Nuno Bettencourt I am affected by what is around. I don’t think many people would admit that. – Nuno Bettencourt
Michael Gove Children themselves know they are being cheated. Ultimately we owe it to our children. They are in school for 190 days a year. Every moment they spend learning is precious. If a year goes by and they are not being stretched and excited, that blights their life. – Michael Gove
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