Paula PoundstoneThankful I’m thankful that my memory is good because my vision is going. – Paula Poundstone Memory Quotes Thankful Quotes Vision Quotes I’m thankful for Sarah Palin’s vice presidential bid, which taught us that Alaska is not in a box off the coast of California. I’m thankful that through my foundation I can provide much-needed supplies to children as they start school and some relief to parents who have a hard time making ends meet.
David Morse I don’t even know what TV star means. I know there’s a difference in how people approach you, compared to movies. They feel OK coming up to you and sitting with you in a restaurant, unfortunately. – David Morse
Allen Boyd Though no one wants war, Congress needed to give the President the authority he needs to protect America while encouraging the use of diplomacy and negotiations to try and arrive at a peaceful solution to this problem. – Allen Boyd
Elisha Cuthbert It’s amazing that for actors mostly, it’s a risk to attach yourself to a film that you don’t know whether or not it’s going to even be made and if you sign on, in doing so, who else is going to be in the movie with you. – Elisha Cuthbert
Bowen Yang There’s some humility that has to be constant. And if I ever put pressure on myself to represent in any meaningful way for Asian people, then that would just get in my way in terms of thinking that I am destined to speak on behalf of multiple people. – Bowen Yang
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