Gayle King I’m the oldest of three girls. My sisters say I can be bossy. – Gayle King Bossy Quotes Girls Quotes Sisters Quotes I consider myself lucky that Sheila Johnson, the cofounder of Black Entertainment Television, didn’t choose to rest on her very impressive business laurels. Her luscious 100 percent modal scarves, printed with photos she takes all over the world, are gorgeous. Wearing one is like being wrapped in a hug. Boots in January are always a good look, and some of the cutest ones I’ve seen lately were designed by Ivanka Trump, who knows a thing or two about style.
FamilyReinhold Niebuhr Family life is too intimate to be preserved by the spirit of justice. It can be sustained by a spirit of love which goes beyond justice. – Reinhold Niebuhr
Belinda Johnson Persistence pushes me to be bold and seek out the opportunities I’ve wanted. It starts by envisioning what you want, no matter how big or small, and believing that you can achieve it. – Belinda Johnson
Peter Hedges Over the course of my creative life, I’ve trafficked in broken, heroic mothers. – Peter Hedges
Aaron Carter There’s not a day that I don’t work on vocals, have vocal coaches, go to acting classes, read books. – Aaron Carter
Mike Ashley I don’t get paid a salary, but I do like to go by private plane because it saves a lot of time and is very efficient. – Mike Ashley
Rodri I think I have a smell for knowing which players are good so that’s why I’ve said I’d rather be a sporting director than a coach. – Rodri
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